ALZ Stories

Mother Nature…Mother Nurture

The leaves of memory seemed to makeA mournful rustling in the dark.~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow I am losing my mother in pieces. She is like an autumn tree: beautiful, colorful, and dying. The breeze of Alzheimer’s whispers through the branches while her memory drops off with the leaves. One day, when her tree is finally bare,… Continue reading Mother Nature…Mother Nurture

Self-Care: Practice IS Perfect

Written by Sheridan Horning, LAc Self-care is a topic that can bring up many different reactions. It can inspire excitement or curiosity about learning a new way to relax and recharge. But it can also prompt anxiety around falling short of expectations about what we could and should be doing. However, in a fundamental way,… Continue reading Self-Care: Practice IS Perfect

USPS promotes Alzheimer’s semipostal during September, other semipostals through 2021

The United States Postal Service has undertaken a concerted effort to promote the four semipostal stamps it’s currently selling. First up is the Alzheimer’s Awareness semipostal, but those wanting to support that effort will need to act fast. That’s because the focus on this stamp ends September 30, even though they will continue to be… Continue reading USPS promotes Alzheimer’s semipostal during September, other semipostals through 2021

The best time to volunteer? Now: Amanda and Christyna’s story.

Walk to End Alzheimer’s® is a community driven event. This means that, behind the scenes, a group of incredible volunteers dedicate their time each year to bring us together for the world’s leading event to raise funds and awareness for Alzheimer’s care, support and research. Both Christyna Hengstler and Amanda McCallum are celebrating their second… Continue reading The best time to volunteer? Now: Amanda and Christyna’s story.

My Cousin, Stacy

By Lori Stanton, Alzheimer’s Association Regional Manager Growing up, there were four of us. It never mattered that we didn’t all have the same Mom and Dad; as cousins, we were blood, and that was all we needed. In the earliest years, we didn’t even realize that one of us was a little different than… Continue reading My Cousin, Stacy


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